Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

3 Subjects

Activity 15.5 Choosing a Career Path

Activity 15.5 Choosing a Career Path

Q Many people know amazingly little about the work done in various occupations and the training requirements. Your Task Use the online Occupational Outlook Handbook at, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), to learn more about an occupation of your choice. This is the nation's premier source for career information. The career profiles featured cover hundreds of occupations and describe what people in these occupations do, the work environment, how to get these jobs, how much they earn, and more. Each profile also includes BLS employment projections for the 2010–2020 decade. Find the description of a position for which you could apply in two to five years. Learn about what workers do on the job, working conditions, training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects. Read the pages from the Occupational Outlook Handbook that describe employment in the area in which you are interested. Write a memo to me with this information, be descriptive and use the proper format.

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TO: FROM: DATE: July 28, 2020 SUBJECT: Choosing a Career Path In two to five years, I would like to apply for the position of the Project Manager. Duties of Project Manager • To define and plan the scope • To plan resources for completing the project • To develop schedule • To estimate cost and time for project • Activity sequencing and planning A free and positive working condition are needed for being the Project manager of a company. The training is needed in order to perform in a better manner in the organization. The trainings that are needed for the Project Manger are cost controlling training, risk management training, problem-solving and critical thinking trainings, and trainings for managing projects.